More Walking

We made it back into Sydney from Katoomba in the afternoon and went for a late lunch at a Malaysian restaurant called Mamuk. This is the awesome thing about having Sal as a tour guide. We don’t have to think. She knows her way around and knows where to eat so we aren’t wandering for hours hoping we find something good. She just takes us there and we follow. After last nights dinner, I didn’t think I could feel so full again – let alone so soon. We stuffed ourselves. I can feel my pants getting tighter already.

We decided to walk off some of our lunch and check out a different part of Sydney. Mar had recommended The Coogee walk, talking us along a cliff walk from Coogee beach to Bondi Beach. It was a beautiful stretch of ocean. We loved watching the surfers at Bronte Beach, critiquing them like we know what we’re talking about. There was a beautiful cemetery on the walk…not a bad view for those guys. And more stairs. My calves really hurt from the hike yesterday. Every time we walk down stairs, it hurts. I wish I was exaggerating. We knew though it was best for us to keep that lactic acid moving. Luckily, it was such a pretty walk, the pain was not in the forefront of our thoughts – there was too much other stuff to look at and think about.


By the time we made it to Bondi Beach, it was dark. Because it’s winter, too, the Bondi Beach “scene” wasn’t as it would be during a hot summer day. It was still fun to explore though – all of the shops were still open. We had planned to grab dinner in Bondi but we were all still too full from lunch….but we weren’t too full for dessert! And since it’s my birthday, I got to pick what we ate. So, instead of just one dessert, we shared several. Dessert for dinner is awesome.

