King Kade

Felix Hernandez pitched a perfect game last week.  A perfect game!  He is only the 23rd in MLB to throw a perfect game.

Kade and I could have gone to that history making, perfect game…but we didn’t.  We were hosting PEPS that night and wanted to be good and ready for all of our new friends.  Stupid.

Since we weren’t there for the real deal we did the next best thing.  We caught his return to the mound for King Felix appreciation night.  It was probably the most fans the Mariner’s have seen at a single game all season.  Everyone adorned Safeco in yellow shirts and cheered proud for our King.

Gramma, the M’s most loyal fan, and Papa were in town to visit Kade so they accompanied us to his first Mariner’s game.  The kid loves being out and about.  He doesn’t want to miss a thing.  The whole game he looked with wonder, smiled and laughed and made the game that much more fun for all of us.

We didn’t get to see Felix’s perfect game but the game we saw was perfect.