Four Months

This month your personality is starting to come out – and I’m a little scared.  You are not a crazy, screamy baby but you do not sit still – ever.  This seems a little soon to me as you’ve just turned four months!

Last month, you discovered your hands and this month, you’ve started grabbing at things and holding on to them.  Instead of just swatting at the lion on your chair, you grab him and yank on him so hard until you’ve pulled him close enough to put in your mouth.

Everything, literally everything, ends up in your mouth.  I know this is a normal baby thing to do.  You drool a lot and you put everything in your mouths -that’s just what baby’s do.  But I do not remember Kade having a need to put everything in his mouth.  When all else fails, and you’ve got nothing close enough to grab, you stick your hands in your mouth.  And not just a finger or two. You go for the gold and shove your entire hand, as far as it will go, into your tiny little mouth.  It does not look comfortable but it makes you happy.

You are so strong.  While you’re not a big fan of tummy time, you’ve got abs of steel.  You love standing.  Already!  I feel like you should not be able to do this yet!  But you love it.  You would rather be standing on our laps than sitting. Your favorite game with Daddy is when he pulls you up from lying on your back all the way to standing.  Because sitting?  What’s that?  You do not do it.

You took your first of many road trips to Spokane.  You did great!  In general, you always do great in the car and while out and about. You go with the flow and are up for anything. If you’re tired, you sleep. If you’re awake you’re taking it all in. As long as you are close to your brother, I don’t think you really care where we are.  You adore him.  And he adores you.  For now.  All bets are off once you’re on the move!

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